Archivio Tag: Naturalmente

SCIENCE TRENDS – Combination Of Life Cycle Thinking And Environmental Communication To Improve Our Pro-Environmental Behavior

Science Trends is a free platform that connects scientists and their peer-reviewed research with a global audience. Science Trends has just published a short summary of a “trend article” titled, “Improving the efficacy of municipal solid waste collection with a communicative approach…
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20 settembre 2017: Workshop – Nell’Ambiente l’Inchiostro per il nostro futuro

Job in Campus 2017 – L’opportunità incontra i talenti #Workshop: Nell’Ambiente l’Inchiostro per il nostro futuro Le #opportunità #lavorative connesse all’#ambiente e alla sua #salvaguardia 20 settembre 2017, ore 10:30 – Aula Biago Agnes (Rettorato) PROGRAMMA – Moderatore: Prof. Giovanni De Feo – Dipartimento di…
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